Purple World

Tyler Pearson

Welcome to Purple World!

Purple World is a unique world where anything is possible, immerse yourself in all its glory!

Purple World is the less-publicized sister region to Neverland, as seen in the classic documentary titled "Peter Pan". Whereas in Neverland individuals do not age, inhabitants and visitors alike of Purple World age way faster!


Purple World is a procedurally generated, flat-shaded terrain. A new map is rendered every build using a Perlin noise generation algorithm. The water is a simple triangle mesh with random initial height offsets, each vertex is shifted up and down to simulate a water-like motion. There are 3 viewing modes and 5 directional lighting options, one of which rotates around the map. The sun always shines on Purple World, as does its moon which rests in the northeastern sky.

Directions to Purple World

Navigating the Waters

Trending Photos

Helicopter ride around Purple World #SkyView

Selfie from my hotel balcony

Bayside with bae

Ab-normal-ly beautiful sunset


Experience the Magic

New arrivals (dis)orientation video

Rolling mountains and Shifting tides

Timelapse #TBT

Book your trip today!

Future Attractions
